Academic Year:
32532 - LASERS
This is a non-sworn machine translation intended to provide students with general information about the course. As the translation from Spanish to English has not been post-edited, it may be inaccurate and potentially contain errors. We do not accept any liability for errors of this kind.
The course guides for the subjects taught in English have been translated by their teaching teams
Teaching Plan Information
Code - Course title:
32532 - LASERS
616 - Máster en Química Teórica y Modelización Computacional (2013)
651 - Máster Erasmus Mundus en Química Teórica y Modelización Computacional
748 -
751 - Máster en Química Teórica y Modelización Computacional Europeo
762 -
104 - Facultad de Ciencias
Academic year:
1.2. Course nature
1.3. Course level
Máster (EQF/MECU 7)
1.5. Semester
1.6. ECTS Credit allotment
1.7. Language of instruction
1.8. Prerequisites
There are no prerequisites.
1.9. Recommendations
There are no recommendations.
1.10. Minimum attendance requirement
Attendace is mandatory.
1.11. Subject coordinator
Fernando Martin Garcia
1.12. Competences and learning outcomes
1.12.1. Competences
These learning objectives contribute to provide the following skills for the students:
CB6 – Students possess and understand knowledge that provides a basis or opportunity to be original in the development and/or application of ideas, often in a research context.
CB7 - Students know how to apply the acquired knowledge and their problem solving capacity in new or little known environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their area of study.
CB8 - Students are able to integrate knowledge and face the complexity of making judgments from information that, incomplete or limited, includes reflections on social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of their knowledge and judgments.
CB9 - Students know how to communicate their conclusions and the knowledge and reasons that support them to specialized and non-specialized audiences in a clear and unambiguous way.
CB10 - Students possess the learning skills that allow them to continue studying in a way that will be self-directed or autonomous.
CG01 - Students are able to foster, in academic and professional contexts, technological and scientific progress within a society based on knowledge and respect for: a) fundamental rights and equal opportunities between men and women, b) The principles of equal opportunities and universal accessibility for persons with disabilities, and c) the values of a culture of peace and democratic values.
CT03 - Students have the ability of analyze and synthesize in such a way that they can understand, interpret and evaluate the relevant information by assuming with responsibility their own learning or, in the future, the identification of professional exits and employment fields.
CT04 - Students are able to generate new ideas based on their own decisions.
CE01- Students demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of the facts applying concepts, principles and theories related to the Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modeling.
CE24 - Students know the fundamentals of lasers and are familiar with the resolution of time-dependent problems and the treatment of states of the continuum.
1.12.2. Learning outcomes
Understand the fundamentals of laser light and its main applications in quantum chemistry and atomic and molecular physics. Get familiar with the resolution of time-dependent problems and dealing with states in the continuum.
1.12.3. Course objectives
1.13. Course contents
1. Introduction. What is a laser? What are lasers used for? Characteristics of laser light.
2. Laser properties. Energy levels. Formation of spectral lines: Einstein's coefficients. Spontaneous and stimulated emission. Population inversion and saturation. Widening of spectral lines. Practical examples of lasers.
3. Continuous wave lasers (cw) and pulsed lasers. Generation of cw lasers. Bandwidth reduction. Formation of laser pulses by Q-switching and modelocking.
4. Laser-matter interaction. Classical and quantum description. Multiphoton processes and tunneling. Three-step model. High-order Harmonic Generation (HOHG). Attosecond lasers pulses and pulse trains.
5. Strong field effects. Rabi frequencies. Stark shifts. Above-threshold ionization (ATI). Dressed states. Floquet and Volkov states. Strong-field approximation.
6. Theoretical approaches. Basis of states in the electronic continuum: B-splines. Direct integration of the time-dependent Schrödinger equation. Hybrid methods.
7. Time-resolved spectroscopy. Pump-probe schemes with laser pulses. Uses in femtochemistry and attophysics. Attochemistry.
1.14. Course bibliography
1. Introduction to Laser Technology. B. Hitz, J. J. Swing and J. Hecht. IEEE Press, New York, 2001.
2. Introduction to Quantum Optics. G. Grynberg, A. Aspect and C. Fabre. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge, 2010.
3. Principles of Lasers. O. Svelto. Plenum Press, New York. 1998.
4. Laser Fundamentals. W. T. Silfvast. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2004.
5. Quantum Optics. M. O. Scully. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge, 1997.
6. Lasers. A. E. Siegman. University Science Books. 1986.
7. Bachau H, Cormier E, Decleva P, Hansen J E and Martín F 2001 Rep. Prog. Phys. 64 1815.
8. Martín F 1999 J. Phys. B (Topical Review) 32 R197.
2. Teaching-and-learning methodologies and student workload
2.1. Contact hours
Contact hours (minimum 33%)
Independent study time
2.2. List of training activities
# hours
Practical sessions
Clinical sessions
Computer lab
Work placement
Supervised study
Assessment activities
Lecture: The Professor will deliver face-to-face, or, online video lectures about the theoretical contents of the course during two-hour sessions. The presentations will be based on the different materials available at the Moodle platform.
Network teaching: All the tools available at the Moodle website ( will be used (uploading of teaching materials, utilization of work team strategies, wiki, blogs, e-mail, etc.).
Tutoring sessions: The professor can organize either individual or group tutoring sessions about particular topics and questions raised by students.
3. Evaluation procedures and weight of components in the final grade
3.1. Regular assessment
The knowledge acquired by the student will be evaluated along the course. The educational model to follow will emphasize a continuous effort and advance in training and learning.
The final student mark will be based on exercises that must be done during the course. The next criteria will be followed for assessment of student exercises:
- 70% Exam at the end of the course.
- 30% from the student report.
3.1.1. List of evaluation activities
Evaluatory activity
Final exam
Continuous assessment
3.2. Resit
The student will have to face a final exam, including both theory and practical exercises. The student mark will be obtained from:
- 70% from the final exam,
- 30% from the individual work.
3.2.1. List of evaluation activities
Evaluatory activity
Final exam
Continuous assessment
4. Proposed workplan
The schedule of the course can be consulted in master's website.